What is your role at Hattaway?
I smooth out operational processes, organize internal resources, and help keep track of the everyday development of the team as Office Manager and Executive Assistant to Doug Hattaway. My work supports every member of the Hattaway team so they can do their best work.
What are you currently working on that you are really passionate about and why?
We are streamlining project management processes for transparency and efficiency, to aid in executive decision making, and to support and highlight the talented Hattaway workforce. One project I am working on is developing, designing, and deploying an internal website for Hattaway to facilitate knowledge sharing and full integration between the Science, Strategy and Storytelling teams. There may be a few pics of furry friends thrown into the mix too.
What is currently igniting your imagination?
Summer reading the classics, baking garlic chocolate chip cookies, and combing beaches for interesting sea shells. Of course, to me, every shell is interesting! The balance of nature’s diversity and codependency is a wondrous thing to observe. We are all just as diverse and codependent.
What is your favorite way to spend a day off? Exploring new parks and obstacle courses. My favorite course so far is outdoors with the obstacles raised up in the trees by 10, 20, or 30ft. Different perspectives help me stay balanced and mindful.
What is the best piece of professional you’ve ever gotten? Take initiative and stay kind